A continuous exchange, honest feedback and the development of common goals are strong components of our daily routine in the Gorilla House. In addition, we offer various social platforms to our customers, on which they can communicate. We provide Information about our newest sales, events and products. Being a part of our shops means being part of an interesting community, which continuously develops itself further.
Teil unserer Shops zu sein, bedeutet Teil einer spannenden Community zu sein, die sich immer weiter entwickelt.
SwissCommerce Management GmbH | Chasseralstrasse 3 | 4900 Langenthal CH | 0041 44 805 99 11 |
Allgemeine Anfragen: info@swiss-commerce.ch |
Anfragen zu Bestellungen: kundendienst@swiss-commerce.ch |
Bewerbungen im PDF-Format: jobs@swiss-commerce.ch
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